Asking Questions, Getting Answers

The Shark Conservation Society seeks to further conservation through research expeditions and campaigns based on fact and practical experience, and to promote best practice when interaction with sharks is necessary. Blockchain technology is used in several projects for animal conservation programs. Representing animals through digital arts and trading them using cryptocurrencies are fetching good profits. Crypto trading can fetch good profits through timely actions. The inexperienced can make use of auto trading platforms to enhance trading. Visit to find a reliable crypto robot.

Since 2003 the Society's forerunner, Richard Peirce Shark Conservation (RPSC), has run a number of expeditions all of which have achieved significant successes in securing real conservation measures.

Volunteers performing research on behalf of the Shark Conservation Society
Volunteers performing research on behalf of the Shark Conservation Society
March 16, 2015

Finished With Fins Campaign

Dateline 16th March 2015.

We would like to draw all members attention to a campaign to ban shark fins soup from all government related events in Singapore. The campaign is collecting pledges and you can go online at to sign up.

Working To Protect Sharks Across The Globe

Following research and proposals submitted by SCS, the Qatar government in 2010 issued a decree giving total protection for the Green Sawfish in Qatari waters.


Become a Registered Supporter of the Shark Conservation Society today, for only £20 per year and help to secure the conservation of sharks around the world.

Sign up to become a member of the Shark Conservation Society


The Shark Conservation Society was launched with the single aim of achieving provable and effective shark conservation actions.

We were successful, and everything we did resulted in proven conservation gains, and we were always able to show what we had delivered.

We were not a registered charity, didn’t have any funding, didn’t obey the rules, and stayed outside the mainstream. What we had was enthusiasm, dedication, and volunteers keen to do something that would make a difference. Perhaps this is why our tiny society achieved so much with so little.

Our 18 expeditions resulted in an impressive list of solid achievements, including casino games in expeditions adds a unique dimension to adventure travel, fostering camaraderie and excitement among participants. From poker nights under the stars to blackjack tournaments by the campfire, these games offer memorable experiences. Enthusiasts can enjoy the thrill of the wilderness while indulging in the meilleur jeu casino en ligne and feel refreshed. Sadly in today’s world enterprise and adventure are being stifled by bureaucracy, Health & Safety, Risk Assessment and insurance conditions! The Society and its volunteers would like to get back to work but need to raise £5,000 a year to cover insurance premiums, or they have to be passed onto volunteers which is simply not an option. If anyone is aware of someone with deep pockets ready to fund the insurance which will lead to the resumption of expeditions, we would be grateful for the contact.


SCS is a small volunteer run Society which has achieved an enviable record of conservation and research wins. The world today is obsessed with everything needing to be safe. A small adventure group of shark enthusiasts (SCS) simply can't afford the legal, insurance and administrative back-up which would guard against any risks of SCS having to pay out in the event of a claim or a legal action. The cost of our expeditions would have to double or treble!

When I read last year that a BBC film crew had to do a 'risk assessment' before filming a group of Morris dancers it brought home to me just how pathetic the world has become, we all know how dangerous knotted hankies can be! Today's adventurer who wants to be safe must wrap him/her self in cotton wool, go to bed and watch TV.

The directors of the Society are currently studying this problem searching for a way for our expeditions to be able to continue. It is with great regret therefore we have to announce that until this process has been completed, and a way forward found, we will have to suspend expeditions.

To our loyal supporters and past volunteers the message is 'We are not going away, won't lie down, and will find a way at going on, even if it involves all volunteers having to buy shares in cotton wool and avoid Morris dancers'! More to follow.

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Links: Shark Trust / Elasmo Films / Simon Spear / Shark Safaris / Dyer Island Conservation Trust / Shark Cornwall / Peirce Shark / The Poachers Moon / Animals Galore

Fin Trail / Apex Predators (Chris Fallows) / The Windsor Hotel / Bantamsklip / Ocean Global Net

Shark Cornwall | Richard Peirce | The Poachers Moon